Monday, February 24, 2014

The Man's Hour

I outlined three major areas of concentration for the man who truly wants to do everything he can to please and serve his woman. The first is to be a ‘manly man’. This will take more than one entry to cover and this entry is just a start, but it involves being someone who gives her confidence. This is a man who supports her in all the areas of her life, financially, emotionally, spiritually, physically, etc... Having this man around allows her to relax knowing that “It’s handled”.

Don't Worry! I've got you Lois!

One of the greatest compliments I have ever received was one night when we were out on a date and my Queen told me “I like going out with you. I always feel safe when you are with me.”
Providing physical safety is one of the important things that men can do for women. But that in itself is not what this entry is about. 

It should come as no surprise to anyone reading up to this point that I love women. I mean I LOVE WOMEN!!! I love being around them. I love doing things for them. I love seeing them smile. I love making them happy in any way that I can. I love their voices when they are excited. There are times when I think I could be very happy living in a world populated by just me and millions of women. 

I would LOVE to work in a fur shop and spend my days telling ladies how awesome they are!

I could be happy working in a dress shop, a women’s shoe shop, or a furrier and spending my time listening endlessly to the divine voices of women and only occasionally keeping the conversation going by interjecting just how beautiful they look, how wonderful they are, how smart they are, and how interesting they are, etc.

Working at Women's feet. Not a bad job either!

We are men, and a man is not a woman with a penis. We have certain genetically coded male needs. I am not talking about sex here. I am talking about being manly. We are large, physical creatures and we need to express that masculine desire to control and dominate the environment around us even if only for a little while. And yes dominating the environment for the benefit of our women is one of our greatest gifts.

That is why I have come up with the concept of the “Man’s Hour”. This is a time with zero feminine influence. It can be a fairly short time, but we all need it. 

I am NOT talking about going out with the boys to drink Miller Lite and yell at sports on TV. Nor am I talking about going to strip clubs.

What I AM talking about is a regular period of time when we get away and do ‘our thing’ without the ladies being present. It can be sitting in a duck blind in the freezing cold waiting to bag dinner. It can be tearing apart an old engine and rebuilding it. For me I get away from the rest of my life three or four times a week and lift heavy barbells. I sweat. I grunt. I bang the weights until they clang loudly. I even drop occasional F- Bombs. None of these are things I would do willingly in front of ladies! But this time is different than the others and it needs to be kept separate. 

Duck Hunting Dudes letting their inner wild man out.

I do the Power Lifter style of workout with Squats, Dead Lifts, Bench Press and Over Head pressing comprising my core exercises. And I do them to the point of failure sometimes. So I require myself to give a 100% effort. 

I must now back up and say that Women are more than capable of shooting ducks, rebuilding engines, and lifting weights. In fact some women lift more than I do and I think that they are awesome. I have much respect for anyone who shares my passions and puts out full effort. But this is not about who can and who cannot do things. This is about getting away from our everyday lives of going to the office and sitting quietly, then coming home and smiling sweetly while you do your housework, and making her dinner and telling her (the truth) that she is your whole universe, and letting out the primal (earthy and yes ‘rude’) animal within.

I love that adrenalin rush and testosterone release during a heavy dead lift!

Doing this clears my head and I am happy afterward. Yes what I do makes me more imposing for anyone who might threaten me or the Queen to have to deal with and that is a wonderful side benefit, but mostly this time keeps things in balance for me. For others there can be the side benefit of actually doing something useful with the 'spare' time.

So be a gentleman. Be a man. Be a beast. Then come back home, put on your apron and do the dishes with a smile that tells her that she is your Queen and that every thought that you think and every breath that you breathe is thought and breathed in service to her!

But when man 'hour' is over the over 23 belong to HER!

Ahhhhhh Domestic Bliss!!!

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