Friday, March 7, 2014

Put on those Aprons boys, and get back to your housework!

In the last installments I talked about what I call Rule #1, and that is to be a “Manly Man”. Women like having men that can give them a sense of safety and security. They like having a guy around that they can show off to their friends and maybe make them just a little jealous. They also like having a ‘sexy beast’ for later under the sheets too!

Some of the basics of this were covered in the articles on “The Man’s Hour”, “Clothes Make the Man”, and “Being a Classy Guy”. Well your work outside the home job is over for the day, your evening out with your One True Queen has come to a close and it’s time for you to head straight home, put on your apron, and start doing your chores! Well I don’t always wear an apron. I do if I am in a rush to make dinner and still have my good clothes on from work. I often get home and change my clothes if there is time, but OK I DO wear an apron and frankly I think we both enjoy it when I do! 

Home Life As it Should Be!

So in today's entry I am embarking on a description of what I call Rule #2 – “Becoming Her Domestic Servant”. Yes, take ownership of all the little things that most women have felt overwhelmed with since time began. Make what might be traditionally thought of as “Her” chores, into “Your” chores. Cook, Clean, Do the Laundry, etc. 

Facing the facts, times have changed guys. I will talk more about the march of history and the changing sex roles in society later but in the past forty years the percentage of two income families has gone from around 50% to pretty close to 100%. And she isn’t just making minimum wage working part time either now. About 30% of all households in post industrial Western countries have the woman as the primary wage earner, and that number is still rising. This long grinding recession has made those numbers even stronger in her favor. Women get more undergraduate degrees and they continue to move forward in the arena of graduate degrees as well. Long gone are the days when Ward Clever could work 40 hours and expect his stay at home wife to have a spotless and tidy home and a delicious dinner on the table for him.

June Cleaver Was The Best! Ward Should Have Thanked Her Without Ceasing!

So if having a good looking man on her arm who protects her and provides for her and dotes on her are things that make a woman feel good about herself and loved, what things upset her and rob from her spirit? If you asked most women they would say that the endless drudgery of cooking and cleaning would be very high on her list of life sapping events. The never ending battle to clean the house and feed everyone can be pretty tough if it is just assumed that you will do it forever and never be recognized for it. If you want to serve your Queen as Her loving and eager to please knight, you need to slay those domestic dragons for her! If you do, she WILL finally begin to feel like the Queen that she was born to be.

Heading Off To Slay Dragons For Her Majesty

We need to AT LEAST take our share of the housework and make it our own. But that would be just doing the minimum, and on this blog I talk about going further. Not just begrudgingly doing around half of the housework, but enthusiastically taking as much of it as you can. Taking ownership of keeping her house clean and doing it enthusiastically with a smile will make her feel like the luckiest girl in the world! No longer will she feel burdened and shackled to these endless chores. 

Re-leaving Her Of Housework Is Your Role Now And She LOVES IT!

One could do the absolute minimum and do maybe 30 to 40% of the housework and do it grudgingly. But what kind of a life is that? Once it is established that a job must be done, why not do it well? Why not do it with enthusiasm. I am sure that you have experienced both ways of doing a job in the past and frankly I find that putting in far more than the minimum and working hard at it and taking pride in it leaves me feeling much better about myself. I feel ‘fulfilled’.

Our women feel burdened by housework. Let’s liberate them from it! In fact I recall that very word being applied to me once when I had scrubbed the entire kitchen from top to bottom. I had spent days scrubbing every nook and cranny! My Queen looked it over when I was done and said with a smile “I feel LIBERATED!” That freedom to not be responsible for cooking and cleaning can make a woman feel free. Seeing the man in her life take ownership of these chores can let her know that she is loved, AND yes, she can feel like a Modern ‘Liberated Lady’ with pride, power, and the respect that women deserve. I am really happy to be able to provide all these aspects to her life now and that one comment made it more than worth all the time and energy I had put into that task.

All Men Need to Learn How To Serve Women From Now On

I have talked about the five languages of love before, and how I instinctively knew when the time came that my lady would be most attuned to a man who would love her through ‘Acts of Service’. Before I changed my life and dedicated myself to serving her and pleasing her, she was an angry and frustrated woman. The house was a mess and she felt overwhelmed with all the endless work that needed to be done. She would yell at me about the condition of the house and I would shrug, get angry and leave. Ours was not a happy marriage.

Since I decided to turn things around and take ownership of the things that she hates doing she has time to enjoy her pursuits and I have found joy and fulfillment in serving her and in seeing her be happy.

The Bible teaches us to ‘serve one another’ and Christ showed us the way through acts of service and caring for people. “Husbands serve your wives as Christ served the Church.” Is a motto I try to live by. If He would die for us, as well as performing numerous miracles and acts of kindness, and you know that your wife WANTS scratch that NEEDS you to take care of her house for her, what sacrifice is a little house work?

I will probably do a posting on male/female relations in the Bible later, and NO I do not think  that women should be seen as subservient to men nor do I think God sees things this way either.

The important thing is that as soon as you get home (after greeting your beloved of course and letting her know how happy that you are to be there with her) that you dive right in and do some cooking or cleaning. Women really do LOVE that! Mine does anyway. I take care of a couple small things and start cleaning up the kitchen. The counters always need a wipe down from breakfast and the dishwasher usually needs to be unloaded, the floor may need sweeping. Trust me, the more that you take responsibility for the housework the more easily you will simply know what the highest priority item is for you to do first.

Happily Busy 21st Century Hubby!

Does all of this mean that I live as her live in slave doing nothing but housework twelve hours a day and she simply bosses me around? (Hmmm… Hot Fantasy, but no.) I work a few hours each weekend and she ‘helps out’ as she see fit. I put in some time each night when I come home. If I do not need to cook something new that night (sometimes we have leftovers and sometimes she is already cooking when I arrive) I go do 30 to 60 minutes of cleaning of some area of the house I know needs it most. If I need to cook, I cook, and usually clean up afterward too.

She is a good woman and does not abuse her freedom and control, although we are both often happiest when I am cleaning house and she is relaxing at the same time. She feels powerful, and free. I feel useful and fulfilled.

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More on this housework topic coming…

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