Tuesday, December 23, 2014

My Queen! My Hero!

Here is a true life story from a short time ago. 

I took Her Majesty to the ballet. She likes getting all dressed up and going to a nice restaurant and being doted on by me, who she treats as VERY LUCKY arm candy and then going to a nice show.
Take Your Queen Stepping Out Regularly!

So we went to the ballet and it was packed. A sold out show. Magnificent in every respect, from costumes to staging, to props, to the dancing itself to the symphony orchestra, everything was terrific!

When intermission came, we went out to the lobby to get drinks. The lobby is open air and has walkways overhead connecting it five floors up. It’s pretty cool to be able to go up there and see everyone milling around below.

Oh Those Beautiful Ballet Dancers!
 Only tonight it was not so cool. Right after we got our drinks we both heard a crashing sound high above us and before that registered I saw a 12” x 8” Plexiglas sign used to keep you from entering when the show is in progress skitter across the floor in front of me and then a man standing not five feet from me fell to the floor in pain.
It had fallen four floors and the corner of it had stuck him in the head, making a dent in his skull and knocking crowns off his teeth!

Immediately my brave, competent, wonderful wife jumped into action! She has an advanced degree in therapy and she was the ‘First Responder’ to the poor man whose head was now leaking blood. 

She stabilized him and worked a little pressure on the wound to keep him from gushing. She got someone to call 911 and stayed with him until the Fire Department guys showed up.

Needless to say, we were shaken during the second act but I was awfully proud to belong to such a Brave, competent, and wonderful woman.

She never showed any signs of fear or hesitation. She jumped right in and let her training take over.

Lucky Me! I Married Wonder Woman!

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