Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Working Overtime In Service To Her!

Lately the truth that most men need to spend more time actually SERVING Their Woman Lords and less time indulging themselves in idle time wasting has come home more to me than ever! And I think this even applies to most guys who consider themselves in a Female Led Relationship.

I don't recall where I read the following but I think it was in reply to a FLR posting. It has rattled around in my head for some time and has truly germinated lately. It, in a word "inspires" me.
"In the past, men were always required to work 12 hours a day in hard labor 6 days a week. Farmers worked in their fields and barns from early morning till late at night daily to provide for their wives and children. You have the comfort of your wife's home to continue your work before you need to go to bed. Why are men in our society reluctant to do their job?"

Now I know this sounds more like a full time 24/7 FD slave/mistress relationship than anything realistic but it still 'rings my bell'. I mean why shouldn't a man go to work for eight hours to provide for his Queen and then continue that service in more personal ways that she actually sees the results of? Why shouldn't the average man put in an hour or two each evening cooking, cleaning, repairing, maintaining, planning, straightening, etc?

There Is No 'free time'....
Now That you Are Married, There Is Service Time And Wasted Time.

(Yes Servator - This IS One Of My Favorite Captions of yours.)
My standard routine for some time now, has been to get up on Saturday and after a few minutes of checking emails and eating, I generally cleaned house until I dropped in mid afternoon! After several hours of sweeping, and laundry and dusting, and wiping, and scrubbing, and well you know (OR YOU SHOULD KNOW!) general cleaning up I would be exhausted and take a shower and a nap. 

Often I had little energy to offer on Sunday to supplement the efforts I had made on Saturday even though I always seem to plan out more cleaning than I can physically accomplish in one day and always PLAN to do the handful of final items on the next day. I began to think "If only I could do that for TWO days each weekend! Then the house would sparkle!" But I never seemed to get there except on the rare occasion.

It always amazes me how far from the level of cleanliness I had left the house on Saturday that it had naturally degraded itself to by the following Saturday. We are currently just two people living normal (whatever that is) lives. We are not by nature messy people. We pick up after ourselves. 

And yet the house just gets dirty in 6 days. There is dirt on the floor. The kitchen and bathroom counters need to be washed. There is a MOUNTAIN of laundry. Dust falls without ceasing. Etc...

Housework needs to be approached like a marathon.
Don't sprint, but don't stop moving either.

I have kind of reached the point of wondering if one person CAN keep a house clean! 

So starting earlier this week in an effort to keep things at a higher level of cleanliness for Her Royal Highness, I have re-dedicated myself to living up to that old fashioned (new sissy hubby) standard of coming straight home from work, changing my clothes and putting in a solid hour or more of service oriented work BEFORE I begin to relax!

Most of this work will be housework, although other projects can take a front seat depending upon circumstances. Paying bills, helping her with various projects she is working on, grocery shopping, etc.

It's the New  Model hubby
AKA "Mr. Sexy"

The plan for me is to do some worthwhile service work each evening for at least an hour so that the house does not run down hill all week and require a single Herculean effort on Saturday that basically makes me worthless afterward. Hopefully, this will also allow me to accomplish more over the week and have more energy to tackle longer term projects.

I was at the point of thinking that maintenance cleaning alone (coupled with a forty hour a week job) was all I could do. I WANT to keep the maintenance cleaning at a high level AND start to really do the DEEP cleaning that she deserves to have done for her.

I think that if I spread out the maintenance cleaning through the week nights, I may be able to tackle a few bigger projects on the weekends now.

Men Really Do Need To Live In Such A Way That Our Every Breathe Is Breathed To Honor Her,
The One Who Has Agreed To Love And Guide Us Forever More

Wish me luck!


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Viagra and Chastity

Recently Her Royal Highness and I were watching TV when a Viagra commercial came on. (it could have been a different pill but I think that it was Viagra.)

It started out by claiming that 40% of men over the age of 40 suffer from some form of Erectile Dysfunction. We were both stunned. I looked at her and said: "Sucks to be them!"

Then we both laughed.

The Queen is not worried about my being able to perform for her when she wants me to. Oh I have the occasional issue but they are rare and she knows it and she has come to expect her pleasure when she wants her pleasure! In general when I have an issue it is because she catches me unawares and I am not quite ready for it. She has however learned how to give me a little time to warm up to the idea now and 'mechanical failures' have become very rare.

And for the fact that she can basically use me when, where, and how she wants well she gets no complaints from me about that! Frankly I think that this is marriage as it was always intended to be.

Before ALL Else!
While she may not actually BE God, to me at least Woman exists somewhere between man and the angels...

I don't say this to brag, but to say that I do my best to keep myself ready for her use when she wants to use me because I am dedicated to HER pleasure. If I was totally dedicated to MY OWN pleasure (as I used to be and as many men are) the odds of either A ) male organ failure and/or B ) male disinterest would be much higher.

Male failure while it can be forgiven is not a good route to go down as the man's frustration and embarrassment will only compound with one failure after the next, And HER frustration will not be going down any time soon either being married to a man who cannot perform! Since it is the woman who actually initiates play time, it is really up to the man to 'be ready'.

The sexual ego of the woman is something that should be supported and built up by the man. I mean what REAL man wouldn't want to have his woman believe and show every indication that her belief is well founded, that she is both a beautiful goddess that he can not resist AND a mighty prowling tigress who can overpower her lover at will?

What man would not want to be the play thing of such a mighty and magnificent creature? If you don't know it yet, you SHOULD know that saying: "If you want to be married to a goddess, start worshiping the one you are already married to!"

When a woman truly feels this way about herself, the confidence and good feelings she has about herself will carry over into every other part of her life. And frankly building her confidence is one of the biggest reasons that I do what I do! In order to help support this dynamic it is important for the male to always be at the ready for her.

Disinterest is not so forgivable as physical failure, and if she still has a healthy sexual drive it will certainly lead to being married to a disappointed wife who may become quite bitter and will probably lead to the two of you leading separate and unfulfilled lives under the same roof. At least at first. Worse things may follow.

His physical abilities are drained and his heart and mind are filled with fantasy images that no one could ever live up to. This man is heading for disaster, and needs to get a new reality focus for his heart.

I know about the latter state of living separate and unfulfilled lives. I used to live there.

I also know that a medical condition is nothing to laugh at and that I am not a doctor even though I do play one on the internet from time to time.

But this comment on TV about such a large portion of men over the age of forty having some degree of ED, coupled with my own experiences and the readings I have done on the experiences of other FLR bloggers has led me to wonder: "Do these guys really have a medical condition? Or are they just 'Playing With Mommies Toys' without permission?"

Are some of these guys claiming 'erectile dysfunction' really just dysfunctional around the Queen of the manor and have no trouble 'doing themselves over and over again'? Is it because they keep themselves drained all the time and do not make the sacrifices necessary to please her that they are claiming a medical condition?

Now Stop That and Be a Good boy!

As I have reported before in earlier entries the AVERAGE male 'spanks the monkey' once every day. And that is average. Some of you guys (and I know because I used to be in that club) are constantly trying to set new records!

Leaving 'Mommies Toy' alone will require some emotional adjustments for a lot of guys. Maybe it will for most guys. Again, I speak from experience. And while I remain chaste for her, it is not in a steel or plastic cage. I have just learned to leave it alone! Oh trust me I get urges, but the less you do it, the less likely you are to succumb to the urge to say "Oh what the heck! What would it hurt?"

Well that "What the heck" attitude leads from one incident to the next, to the next. Soon you find yourself totally drained and wouldn't you know it, the point of total drainage is usually when "Momma wants her some!" I've been in that boat before. You don't think she is going to be interested and you just 'go for it' and you 'go for it' multiple times over a couple of days, and then suddenly she surprises you and you are not ready.

This often happens when she has shown little interest in playing with you for anywhere from several days to several weeks and you are home alone while she is out. You say "What the heck!" and Wango-Bango! one thing leads to another and another and then you feel drained and exhausted.

She comes home in a 'friendly mood' because she has been away all day thinking of you. But you have got nothing to give!

Can you say: "Awkward!"?

If on the other hand (I meant to do that...) you didn't take things into your own hands but instead waited on her. What if you waited for her timing?

Oh it can be difficult to be all alone and feel forgotten and think about 'The good old days' when you used to keep your batteries as low as humanly possible. But if you resist that and wait on her, I think your life and hers will improve.

I can only tell you what has happened in my life by making that switch. And yes, there are times when I am convinced that it will never happen again! And almost every single time I am about to give up, I find myself flat on my back getting 'ravished' within a day or two. Almost every single time!

Selfish males Destroy Marriages.
Selfless males Keep Their Women Satisfied!

This is an interesting and motivational picture. It shows how when a man controls himself for her both of their sex lives improve vastly! Over time he becomes FILLED with desire for her. He will do ANYTHING to please her. His libido is through the roof and she, well she is suddenly having the most and the BEST sex of her life and she is LOVING him for it! She is basically having as much pleasure as her body can handle!

Now the chart above used the whole lock and key symbolism and I know some of you reading this are all locked safely and snugly away. But this does not need to be the case. A man on honor chastity who suffers and denies himself for her can get just as worked up as a 'bird in a cage' can.

Since this is about being Surrendered Husband, go ahead and surrender that part of yourself to her. Wait. Wait on her. Both wait on her timing and wait upon her needs. The deeper you surrender yourself to her, the better things will be.

PS - Sorry if you thought this was a post about some poor guy locked away in a tiny little CB3000 with his cruel wife pumping him full of Viagra and laughing at how we squirms from the pain of his erections. Well not really. I made you suffer then disappointed you and that was what you came here for anyway!

Ha ha ha!!!! - Sadistic laugh.